UK Smile, 81 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6PE


Telephone: +44 02072332323   Emergency: +44 02077888495   

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Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Implants, London Orthodontics

Effective Treatments, Trusted Professionals

Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Implants, London Orthodontics

Effective Treatments, Trusted Professionals


London Orthodontics

You can have the smile that you always wanted by straightening your teeth, and much more. Furthermore, we have extensive experience in discreet orthodontics, including invisible braces (Incognito lingual braces) and Invisalign.

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If you have lost any of your natural teeth, then implants are often the first choice to replace them. Our implantologists are highly experienced, and can in many cases provide treatment when patients have been told that they do not have enough bone.

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Cosmetic Dentistry

UK smile can help you achieve a beautiful, natural smile, with attention to every detail from the smile line, to the shape and shade of your teeth and gums. A multidisciplinary facially driven smile design means that we can achieve much more than simply putting veneers on your teeth.

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General Dentistry

The UK Smile team of highly trained and caring professionals make your dental health our highest priority. Healthy teeth and gums improve your general health, well-being and freshen your breath, giving you that confidence to smile and stand that little bit closer.

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