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What Type Of Procedures Does A Periodontist Perform?

A periodontist specializes in a few procedures that help with gum disease and health. Some of these procedures may be available at the office of your local dental practitioner, but some may require a specialist outside of your dentist. Here are some of the procedures a periodontist performs;

Gum Graft Surgery

Gingivitis may course your gums to start to wear out, causing inflammation of the surrounding gum tissue. The teeth become over-exposed and may even start to fall out if left untreated.

Luckily, Gum Graft Surgery can help repair your gum before your teeth get to that level of damage. Your Periodontist takes gum tissue, usually from your gum palate or in some conditions from another donor. This palate is used to cover the exposed root and prevent further recession and bone loss.

Regenerative Procedures (Bone and Tissue Regrowth)

Your gums are supposed to fit tightly around your teeth. They are supposed to keep them in place and protect the most sensitive parts of the bone.

However, some Periodontal diseases like the one mentioned above destroy the connection between the gum tissue and bone. Air pockets start to develop between the teeth and gums, and it becomes very painful.

You might require tooth extraction if this is not treated immediately.

When this happens, a local periodontist will perform one of three types of regenerative procedures. He/she may place a membrane as a barrier between the gum line and where the tooth attaches itself. This membrane will leave enough tissue for bone tissue to grow on its own.

Dental Crown Lengthening

Sometimes your teeth appear shorter than they are. This may occur because your teeth are covered with too much gum tissue. This is corrected by your periodontist performing a Dental Crown Lengthening surgery. Excess gum and bone tissue are reshaped to expose more of your teeth and get rid of that “gummy smile.”

Periodontal Pocket Reduction Procedures

As stated earlier, sometimes pockets may develop, providing a larger space for bacteria to live teeth. These bacteria accumulate and advance under the gum tissue creating even deeper pockets which allow for more bacteria to accumulate.

You will require a Periodontist since the pockets are too deep to clean yourself with regular oral hygiene practices like brushing your teeth. The Periodontist will fold back the gum tissue and remove the disease-causing bacteria, and securing the tissue in place. This procedure makes it easier for you to clean your own teeth at home.

Dental Implants

If you ever lose your tooth because of periodontal disease, a specialist near you might be able to help. These implants are synthetic roots that are placed in your jaw. They are put in place to hold a replacement tooth or bridge and are used often to gum disease or any form of accidents.

Periodontal Plastic Surgery

In addition to tooth-saving medical surgeries, most periodontists are capable of cosmetic surgeries, unlike a general dentist. These include reducing or extending the gum line, smoothening it and fixing indentations in the gum and jawbone. If you aren’t satisfied with your smile, one of these procedures is sure to help.

Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment

Your Periodontist can also offer less invasive and cost-effective treatment. This can be achieved in a couple of ways, like scaling and root planing. Here the periodontist carefully cleans the root surfaces to remove plaque deep in the teeth and gums.