UK Smile, 81 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6PE


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Teeth Whitening

Want whiter teeth? The results speak for themselves: whiter, brighter teeth with our tooth whitening options!


Teeth are stained by the foods and drinks we consume, and naturally darken over time. Furthermore, if you smoke, this will stain your teeth and the natural bright, white shade becomes darkened.

Tooth whitening is a successful and simple method of lightening the colour of your teeth. However, the degree of whiteness achieved will vary from patient to patient and with the type of bleaching process chosen.

Only natural teeth (enamel) will react to tooth whitening, and it cannot change the colour of existing crowns, dentures, white or metal fillings or veneers.

Therefore, tooth whitening is ideal as the first line of treatment to improving your smile as it is non invasive, however all types of tooth whitening are associated with a temporary increase in sensitivity.

We offer 3 types of tooth whitening at UK Smile:

Enlighten Deep Bleaching

Enlighten Deep Bleaching is our preferred system as we routinely find that the results out-perform other options.

More often than not, we find that Enlighten whitens teeth by up to 10 shades, dramatically brightening your smile.

How long does the whitening last?

The results are long lasting and cannot actively be reversed. If you are a smoker or drink lots of coffee, tea, red wine etc, the results will be reduced more quickly. Some patients have a top up treatment after 3 to 4 years.

The combination treatment can even whiten quite stained teeth to B1 and beyond with minimal sensitivity and fade-back.

Importantly, the deep bleaching trays allow accelerated low sensitivity gels to condition the teeth in the home phase so that in the surgery, the gel can penetrate deeper and achieve dramatic results with low concentration,  and minimal fade-back and sensitivity.

Step 1 – Conditioning: 14 nights home whitening with deep bleaching trays and home Evolution home gel.

Step 2 – Blast: 1 hour in-surgery on the 15th day using the same deep bleaching trays and office evolution gel.

Long term maintenance: we generally recommend topping up with a home gel with 1-2 nights tray wear every 2-3 months.

Customised Home Whitening Kits

If you don’t choose Enlighten, then the customised home kit is our second most preferred option. This is the most inexpensive option, however results are longer lasting and easier to maintain than only in-surgery tooth whitening.

It is easily done and involves taking impressions of your teeth and having customised trays manufactured. We will show you exactly how to use the kits to obtain optimal results.

Office zoom! Tooth Whitening

We only recommend this system for people who are unwilling or unable to wear bleaching trays. Your teeth can be lightened immediately using this technique which is conducted in our Dental Practice.

Our Office 1-hour power whitening can whiten teeth by up to several shades, brightening your teeth dramatically to its natural shade. Your lips and gums are covered and a gel is applied to your teeth.

A special light is positioned over your teeth to activate the gel, which gently penetrates your teeth, breaking up stains and discolouration. You can have whiter, brighter teeth in less than an hour, however we find that the results do not last as long as the other two options above.