UK Smile, 81 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6PE


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Dental Hygiene

Do you have bleeding when brushing your teeth?, Gum recession?, Persistent bad breath?, Swollen gums?, Darker colour of the gums around the teeth? A bad taste in your mouth?

If so then you may have gum disease and need to seek professional advice immediately.

Gum disease is the most common cause for tooth loss, and signs of moderate gum disease are present in over 50% of the adult population in the UK. The association between heart disease and gum disease is also well established, so if you want to look after your health, ensure that you look after your gums.


Dr Domniki Chatsopoulou is our periodontist, who looks after all our patients’ gum problems, from simple superficial inflammation to advanced periodontitis, and cosmetic surgical procedures for example to eliminate a gummy smile. She is also a clinical lecturer at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Gum health is extremely important, both for oral health and general well-being. Gum disease is the most common cause for tooth loss, and signs of moderate gum disease are present in over 50% of the adult population in the UK. The association between heart disease and gum disease is also well established, so if you want to look after your health, ensure that you look after your gums. Furthermore, healthy gums are a prerequisite for quality results in other dental procedures from simple fillings to more advanced options, including orthodontics, implants and veneers.

Most dentists and hygienists are trained to diagnose and treat gum problems, however for that extra level of care, we recommend seeing a periodontist, who is a dentist that has had extra training in the management of gum problems.

The most obvious symptom is bleeding when you brush your teeth. Other signs include gum recession, persistent bad breath, swollen gums, darker colour of the gums around the teeth, and a bad taste in your mouth.

Contact us, and arrange for an appointment to see Dr Domniki Chatsopoulou.